Monday, January 24, 2011

Final Blog

My Bedside Table:
Described what kind of thing we have on our bedside tables to see into our lives. I like to party.

Bucket List:
We described what we want to do before we die. This was fun.

Keepsake Items:
We blogged about some of our favorite things that would describe us. I didn't have a bedside table.

 My Fantasy:
described what we would rather be doing It was hard... because i would rather be doing what i described.

List Of Lists

we made a list of a few lists of things that we like It was fun to really think about what i liked and disliked.

Described one of our dreams. It was interesting to do this blog because i realized how traumatic my dream really was.

School Holliday
Invented a holliday and gave some background information on it. This was fun to try and think up.

Quotes and Proverbs
Looked up quotes and described what they meant. This blog was confusing

Describe what we liked/hated about christmas. The blog was fun to do and i realized how i liked the holidays.

The blog where we described our bucket lists was my favourite because i had never really made one before.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

A)      Winnipeg is the place where this blog takes place.  I am extremely happy to come back from the holidays.... Christmas sucks... I cant stand my family's festive traditions,  which include receiving presents and money. Visiting with my extended family is just boring. Especially when they visit with me. I hated all the rest that I got over the holidays, it was way too rejuvenating. Even though I was resting so much I still felt super lazy, which probably was from that amazing chocolate  that my family received and the multiples feasts that I had to endure. Instead of being at school I had to hang out with friends and watch movies in theaters or on my TV. Amongst all of these horrific things there were a few things that I really liked, for example dressing up to go to church was super fun. Santa Claus. Just Kidding.

B)       MY new years resolutions were determined on new years eve. This was the first year that I can remember caring about what to change in the new year. So it was kind of  my first year that I actually made resolutions. My resolutions were to play more drums, make more money, and learn how to drive. Some common resolutions that I assume 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Quotes and Proverbs

1. African- Before shooting, one must aim.
This proverb means that before doing something you must prepare to do it.  It uses the symbolism of killing someone. It is trying to tech people to prepare. This "wisdom" can be used everyday by telling yourself to prepare for anything you do. Personally I can take this literally, before I shoot soething I should aim. 

2. Chinese - Do not remove a fly from your friend's forehead with a hatchet. 
This proverb means that you do not need to overdo something. The symbolism used is a killing a fly with a hatchet. It is telling people to not overdo somehing. This can be used in everyday living by not killing flies with hatchets on your friends foreheads. Next time a fly lands on my friend's face I will not run and get my hatchet, i will tell them that there is a fly on their face.

3. Biblical - Happy the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding!
This proverbs means that a man who learns will be happy. The symbolism used is that a man who knows more will be happier. It tells us that people who learn ore will be happier. This can be used when you are making life choices by choosing to learn. I will use this information to further my knowledge so i can be happier.

4. Quote  - Gray hair is God's graffiti. - bill cosby
This quote was said by Bill Cosby.  I choose this quote because it is humorous and i like Bill Cosby.  

Monday, November 22, 2010

School Holiday

 The meaning of this holiday is to celebrate how magnificently amazing school is, by taking 6
months off of school.  By taking this time off of school people can realize how school is actually the best thing in the world for you.
This holiday originated in china town, new york. 3 small men said, "hey, i like school. We should celebrate." So they proposed their idea to the governor of china town, new york. This guy liked it. He sold it to famous rapper MC hammer, It went 300 times platinum. Everybody in the world bought the album. Twice. The song just happened to the favorite song of the president of the democratic republic of the Congo. So the vacation was started. It slowly grew. Then USA caught on and threatened everybody with their missiles (except china and the koreas) to make this holiday mandatory, thus creating school day.
 There would be nothing special that would take place in these 6 months, this would resemble what we do in regular school days.
My favorite holiday is Christmas, i like it when it snows outside because i can jump off tall structures and get way less injuries than when i jump off building in the summer! This holiday has not lost any of its original meaning to me, i can remember feeling some of the same feelings every year. This holiday has been packaged and sold... we buy a Christmas tree and then we dance around it on Christmas eve, then we cut off some needles, boil some water, and then makes some tea. We all hate them. they taste like trees, and tree put together.

(to be read in sarcastic voice)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Re-Occurring Dream

This dream has been the first i can remember having. It has to do with thumbtacks, my uncle, my dad, and all of my cousins. The first time I remember this dream was when I was 5. I woke up from bed and told my parents that my tummy hurt, so they said that i could stay up with them while they were watching tv in the living room. Then I fell asleep... The dream never starts out the same, but i always forget the beginning. The first thing i can remember in the dream was this, i am lying on the couch (like i was before the dream started) and then my uncle tells me to come over were he is. My mom tells me that its ok to go, so i do. He has i thumbtack or a sharp object, and then i become overwhelmed with a feeling i cant describe. After this i look at the clock in my living room and my entire family starts yelling at me, (this is where it gets confusing) after this i am standing on the abandoned train bridge on wellington crescent. I see all my cousins in the water below me, but its a whirlpool. Then somebody pushes me in the water, i  fall forever than i hit the water and wake up. i never scream afterwards but i always have an increased heart rate.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

List Of Lists

things that freak me out
  • being really sick
  • heights
  • sam's hands
  • large animals
  • sharp things
things that make me smile

  •  potatoes
  • guitar
  • drums
  • music
  • animals
things i dont understand
  •  languages
  • space
  • time
  • women
  • crime
 places that make me happy
  •  Kelowna
  • B.C.
  • Winnipeg
  • Toronto
  • Bed
qualities in friends
  • humour
  • friendly
  • nice
  • smart
  • relaxed
favorite activities
  • drumming
  • biking
  • playing baseball
  • playing guitar
  • watching movie
things that i will probably end up getting
  • xbox
  • more dum stuff
  • friends
  • more fun
  • awesome experiences
places i want to go
  • new zealand
  • france
  • paris 
  • australia
  • argentina
things i wished lived in my hair
  • eagles 
  • hawks
  • lions
  • tigers
  • small friendly bears
favourite movies
  • get smart
  • lion king
  • transporter(s)
  • Matrix(s)
  • the town

Monday, October 25, 2010

My Fantasy

My fantasy is to take a bike, hike to the top of a mountain and let gravity take over.
I would feel the awesome rush of the morning wind on my face as I fly off cliffs and rocks. Just thinking about what challenges may be ahead of, no looking back. All the worries in the world are reduced to the danger above and how good a snack would feel at the bottom of the hill.