Thursday, October 14, 2010

Keepsake Items

The item that holds a special memory is the baseball that I pitched a perfect game with.
This ball is significant to me because it is the ball that I used to throw 20 strikeouts. It represents to me all the hard work that I have put in to playing baseball so far. I still love to play baseball and plan to play it for a long time yet.  This item represents this because it is the actual ball I used in the game. 

This item is a pair of my drum sticks., i bought them for $11.00 at long and McQuade and frequently destroy them by using them. These drumsticks represent how much i like to drum, i enjoy it very much and try to do it as often as i can.  I hope I drum for a very long time using them as often as possible. I hope to some day use drumming as a job, but if in the end i cant i will be content with just playing them for fun.

These are some of my CDs, i have invested a lot of money in this stack of music and feel proud of them. These items represent my dream to become a musician, I have planned to pursue this dream since i was young and still do to this day.  These represent this because all of the people that are involved in this stack are musicians that i feel inspired by and help me pursue my dream.


  1. That sounds like a great time you must of had. That game you were on fire!!!. I know it's not done but nice formating for the way you organize your unfished work.

  2. Aiden do you still play baseball? I use to play baseball when i was around 8 years old and i was always on second base. I never really did get the hang of how you need to catch the ball in order to get someone out! :)
    I think it's cool that you like drumming. I love drumming too. Last year in band i learned how to play a few songs but i mostly just play on RockBand which is not the same thing but it's as close as i get. It gets so intense that the drum sticks end up flying out of my hands!! I can't believe that you have so many CD's. I use to have many CD's but i chucked them in the garbage and just by the album on Itunes or something. How many CD's would you say you have?

  3. Aiden, I knew you played baseball but i didn't know how good you were! I used to pitch to but that was underhand to thats totally different. I would see all of your concerts if you became famous! This is great.
