Tuesday, October 26, 2010

List Of Lists

things that freak me out
  • being really sick
  • heights
  • sam's hands
  • large animals
  • sharp things
things that make me smile

  •  potatoes
  • guitar
  • drums
  • music
  • animals
things i dont understand
  •  languages
  • space
  • time
  • women
  • crime
 places that make me happy
  •  Kelowna
  • B.C.
  • Winnipeg
  • Toronto
  • Bed
qualities in friends
  • humour
  • friendly
  • nice
  • smart
  • relaxed
favorite activities
  • drumming
  • biking
  • playing baseball
  • playing guitar
  • watching movie
things that i will probably end up getting
  • xbox
  • more dum stuff
  • friends
  • more fun
  • awesome experiences
places i want to go
  • new zealand
  • france
  • paris 
  • australia
  • argentina
things i wished lived in my hair
  • eagles 
  • hawks
  • lions
  • tigers
  • small friendly bears
favourite movies
  • get smart
  • lion king
  • transporter(s)
  • Matrix(s)
  • the town

Monday, October 25, 2010

My Fantasy

My fantasy is to take a bike, hike to the top of a mountain and let gravity take over.
I would feel the awesome rush of the morning wind on my face as I fly off cliffs and rocks. Just thinking about what challenges may be ahead of, no looking back. All the worries in the world are reduced to the danger above and how good a snack would feel at the bottom of the hill.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Keepsake Items

The item that holds a special memory is the baseball that I pitched a perfect game with.
This ball is significant to me because it is the ball that I used to throw 20 strikeouts. It represents to me all the hard work that I have put in to playing baseball so far. I still love to play baseball and plan to play it for a long time yet.  This item represents this because it is the actual ball I used in the game. 

This item is a pair of my drum sticks., i bought them for $11.00 at long and McQuade and frequently destroy them by using them. These drumsticks represent how much i like to drum, i enjoy it very much and try to do it as often as i can.  I hope I drum for a very long time using them as often as possible. I hope to some day use drumming as a job, but if in the end i cant i will be content with just playing them for fun.

These are some of my CDs, i have invested a lot of money in this stack of music and feel proud of them. These items represent my dream to become a musician, I have planned to pursue this dream since i was young and still do to this day.  These represent this because all of the people that are involved in this stack are musicians that i feel inspired by and help me pursue my dream.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Bucket List

Aiden Penner's Bucket List

1.  Work at a ski resort -  I really like to ski, so if I can make money doing somehing that I like to do even if it were for a short time it would be worth it.

2. Go to Europe - I would like to take a trip to Europe somtime in my life, It would be fun to go to and see the sites with friends and have fun.

3. By an expensive drum kit - I want to buy an expensive drum set some time in my life. I want to spend money on a dru set that would b totally custoized to how I like to play.

4. Work at a music store - I love to listen, play and watch others play music, so if I could work at a music store it would combine my gifts and what I love doing to make some money.

5. Go to New Zealand - I think going to new Zealand would be a fun experience for me. It seems like an interesting place to go. It would also be cool to experience a place with little wildlife.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Zealand#Biodiversity (look at biodiversity)

6. Go on tour - I want to go on a tour with a band. I want to do this because it would be combining lots of things that I like to do, play music, travel and get paid.

7. Own a dog - I want to own a dog because I think that hey are fun to be around. Owning a dog is like having a friend with you all the time.

8. Go on a road trip - I would like to drive around in a car with soe friends and do awesome things like, see baseball games and amusement parks.

9. Get married - at some point in my life I think I want to get married to someone who is awesome.

 10. Build a recording studio -  I want to build from scractch a nice recording studio somewhere in canada. Hopefully from experience I will learn how to mix and make songs sound good.