Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Quotes and Proverbs

1. African- Before shooting, one must aim.
This proverb means that before doing something you must prepare to do it.  It uses the symbolism of killing someone. It is trying to tech people to prepare. This "wisdom" can be used everyday by telling yourself to prepare for anything you do. Personally I can take this literally, before I shoot soething I should aim. 

2. Chinese - Do not remove a fly from your friend's forehead with a hatchet. 
This proverb means that you do not need to overdo something. The symbolism used is a killing a fly with a hatchet. It is telling people to not overdo somehing. This can be used in everyday living by not killing flies with hatchets on your friends foreheads. Next time a fly lands on my friend's face I will not run and get my hatchet, i will tell them that there is a fly on their face.

3. Biblical - Happy the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding!
This proverbs means that a man who learns will be happy. The symbolism used is that a man who knows more will be happier. It tells us that people who learn ore will be happier. This can be used when you are making life choices by choosing to learn. I will use this information to further my knowledge so i can be happier.

4. Quote  - Gray hair is God's graffiti. - bill cosby
This quote was said by Bill Cosby.  I choose this quote because it is humorous and i like Bill Cosby.